19 Historical Photos of The World’s Most Iconic Landmarks Before They Were Finished _ Old US Nostalgia

The world’s most iconic landmarks are a big draw for tourists from around the world. But these historical landmarks are not just tourist attractions, they often serve as a milestone in history or a remarkable event in time.

Photographers love landmarks, especially the challenge to capture it differently from all the average angles and classic shots. Even when these iconic landmarks were build, photographers couldn’t resist to capture it forever. We are glad that they did, because it gives us awesome insights.
Here, below are 20 of the world’s most famous landmarks, pictured before they were finished.

1. Washington Monument, ca. 1860

Library of Congress

2. U.S. Capitol Building, 1861

Library Of Congress

3. The Statue of Liberty, 1885

Wikimedia Commons

4. The Eiffel Tower, 1888

Public Domain

5. Tower Bridge, London, 1892

Public Domain

6. Flatiron Building, 1902

Library Of Congress

7. Manhattan Bridge, 1909

Library of Congress

8. Lincoln Memorial, 1920

The U.S. National Archives

9. Chrysler Building, 1930


10. Christ The Redeemer, Rio de Janeiro, 1931

Creative Commons

11. The Empire State Building, 1931

Lewis Wickes Hine / New York Public Library

12. Hoover Dam, 1932

Library of Congress

13. Mount Rushmore, 1933

U.S. National Park Service

14. The Golden Gate Bridge, 1936

Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District

15. The Atomium, 1958

The Observist

16. Sydney Opera House, ca. 1960

Cultural Collections

17. Space Needle, 1961

Seattle Municipal Archives

18. Gateway Arch, St. Louis, 1965


19. World Trade Center, 1970

New York Times